A we approached the desk where my Mathematics teacher, known as
Mr. Olongo was eagerly waiting for us to finally sit. Knowingly, we approached
just like a bull ready for slaughter approaches the butcher without a clue of
what would happen. However, deep down I was at peace with myself (or I think I
was). First, mathematics was a subject I dearly loved and secondly, no time I can
remember Mr. Olongo and me clashing at all. Our student-teacher relationship
was filled with happy memories, to this date, of the so many red ticks I had
amassed in my beloved exercise book from the many exercises I had attempted in
class. On the contrary, something was always amiss when my exam papers were
returned back to us. Oooooh, yes, this was the subject matter of our discussion
during that very sitting.

Fast forward many years passed and before I could realize myself
I was well over 23 years and with no college certificate leave alone university
degree (apart from the most famous computer packages). I know many of you are
asking, what happened? Did I fail my K.C.S.E? Did I just stop my passion and
love for books? Did I get married? Did I fall in a comma? Honestly, I did pass
my KCSE and to that extent achieved a grade A in math and believe to this day I
scored 100% in Paper 1. Only, life had completely given me a different script belonging
to some alien person unknown to me. Yes, I said it; this life had seemed to
turn so unfair that by the time I was joining campus most of my fellow classmates
were already done with university apart from those who had joined the revered
medicine and engineering courses that took them half a dozen years to finish. This was absolutely the reality that I was
facing at the time but somewhere along the chain of my life I managed to turn
all the negative energy, feelings, emotions and desperation to something
positive which am proud of today.

How I wish my mum was here with me, we tried but it was not
possible, maybe it’s a reason to still do the next one, maybe it is a sigh that
years ago you agreed with me, maybe it’s a chance to start all over again. At
this point in my life I can testify that the Lord is faithful, I have seen him
and what he can do, from providing resources to strength to love to grace, from
grass to eucalyptus, from riding a bicycle (black mamba) to flying a plane
(Dreamliner). Yes, he can do that for
you too. I have not achieved anything yet or lived His purpose or according to
his will but I know He has good plans for my life. Therefore, my family,
friends, brothers and sisters, as well as foes, join me as I climb another step
in my academic ladder. I take this opportunity to thank my family for their
support, my friends for their encouragement, and my enemies for giving me a
reason to aspire more and above all GOD for guiding me through this process. Now
I look forward to the next thing that is in store for me.
You can catch the live action tomorrow Thursday the 23rd
January 2014 from
your seat has been reserved for you.
Lessons I have learned:
dismiss any dream that comes your way, after all you might come to see it pass.
ever…. ever… ever… give up on anything you have wanted to achieve, it may not
pass right away but someday, maybe the right time it will.
optimistic about life, positive energy will attract success to you.
hard at every opportunity you have this might be the key to unlocking your life’s
look back at what you went through with bitterness, forgive where you can,
apologize where it is necessary and focus on the finish line because it the
determiner of how good or nasty the race has bee.
be happy and cheerful for your father never sleeps nor shies from lifting you
when you have fallen.
© William
Murithi 2014
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